Tampa BoyChoir
Thursday Evenings, 6:30 to 8:15pm
Friday Morning Musicale Center
(Hyde Park in Tampa)
809 Horatio Street, Tampa, FL 33606
St. Petersburg BoyChoir
Monday Evening, 6:30 to 8:15pm
First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg
1900 Gandy Blvd N, St. Petersburg, FL 33702 MAP
Lakeland BoyChoir
Tuesday Nights, Location TBA
Please request information so that we may
notify you once the date is set.
Come Sing With Us!
Talent Search
Membership is open to all boys by audition.
Boys, grades three to twelve,
of unchanged, changing and changed voices
are encouraged to audition.
No Experience is required - only a love of singing.
There is no music to prepare.
The Audition Experience
The audition process is fun, encouraging and motivating.
Membership in the Florida BoyChoirs is earned through an encouraging audition process intended to evaluate a boy’s desire to sing and his readiness to begin formal musical training. As boys move through each level of admissions, they enjoy experiencing typical rehearsals together in a group setting. This allows the boy, his family and the ChoirMaster to experience the BoyChoir before committing to membership. There is no tuition or other costs during the audition process.
Boys interested in membership attend regular weekly rehearsals. On rare occasions, a boy may advance through the three levels of the audition process in only three rehearsals. Most boys require additional rehearsals. Parents will be notified if the ChoirMaster believes that the boy will not be accepted into membership at some stage. Again, the experience should be a positive and encouraging one, regardless of the outcome.
Applicant Status (First Rehearsal Audition)
Applicants attend a regular weekly rehearsal along with other Applicants and the seated members of that choir. Boys passing the Applicant Audition are promoted to Candidate status.
Candidate Status (Second Rehearsal Audition)
Candidates continue to participate in rehearsals along with seated ChoirBoys. This allows the ChoirMaster to evaluate the boy in a working rehearsal and the Candidate to experience singing with the BoyChoir. The boy may attend in this status for one or more rehearsals. Should the Candidate Status be successful, the boy is promoted to the status of Apprentice.
Apprentice Status (Continuing Rehearsal Auditions)
Apprentice boys attend all rehearsals and events fully participating for a number of weeks. Once the ChoirMaster is confident that the Apprentice is ready, membership is offered to the boy’s family. He then receives his Florida BoyChoir Shirt, is promoted to ChoirBoy Status and officially “seated” in his city choir.